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PGF recently won an innovation award from the Lloyd EcoDistrict for our work as a sustainable, zero waste factory! We are so proud to "Model The Way" towards sustainable practices for other businesses in our community and beyond.

At PGF innovation and sustainability aren’t just buzz words. We practice them daily. We innovate to solve complex design challenges, like how to sew wearable blazers out of tissue paper, or make a giant reflective eyeball as a backdrop for the Portland Art Museum, and we also use our creative curiosity and passion towards our sustainability efforts.

We’re particularly proud of our fabric scrap recycling program. Many of our scraps are either reused by artists, students, and members of the community, or they become material for PGF-led workshops and maker fairs. But we also produce fabric scraps that cannot be reclaimed in this way. It has been a challenge to breakdown and reuse this material but we FINALLY landed on a solution (and while we were searching we never threw our scraps in the trash)! We will be revealing our unique results in the coming months, so STAY TUNED.